
Being back a few days in Denmark, it is time to reflect, digest and express especially gratitude. This travelblogpost will be written in english so I can dedicate it to the wonderful people that helped us make this an unforgettable vacation and worktrip to the US.

I soooo needed a little getaway. Sometimes you don’t realise how much, before you actually take off. This summer I had many weeks of break from work, and to my big frustration, I did not manage to really utilize and enjoy them as much as I had hoped. Jumping back into a hectic worklife in August left me wanting more – and thankfully now I got it! This trip totally compensated for my lack of rest and recreation during the summer, and I am so happy and thankful to have prioritized this three weekSheri & Lance trip.

First of all, I want to thank Sheri Nutter for making the beautiful layout for PopSalmer back in 2013 – which led to a wonderful friendship. Wanting to meet up was actually the instigator for this trip. We spend three lovely days in adorable Myrtle Creek with Sheri and her husband Lance and felt truly at home. They took so good care of us, and even helped arrange a concert and workshop at their school. What an amazing experience.

Glide Memorial ChoirIn San Fransisco we met Nancy and Jane, both singers in Glide Memorials Choir. We had a lovely and fun evening together with the choir, and hope to be back again for more singing and laughing. Maybe travelling with our danish choir SoulSingers – what a blast that could be!

Now it was Kathrines turn to work! In the southern part of Los Angeles – in a wonderful area called Mission Viejo, we stayed with Leslie and Paul for three days, while Kathrine went out driving with the LA police. Once again, they took so well care of us – and we enjoyed it tremendously. The Leslie & Paulpoliceofficers who met Kathrine told her to come back anytime – and we definately plan to! Congrats on your upcoming wedding, we can’t wait to see the pictures!

The last stop on our tour was in Santa Barbera with beautiful beaches, palmtrees and wonderful people. This time Christa and Ross had invited us to stay a few nights, after having heard Kathrine sing at a wedding in Denmark. Another amazing experience with Christa as our competent Christa, Ross & Pattourguide, showing us the best places in town and telling us so many interesting stories. On top of that, she had arranged for us to perform in town, and we enjoyed it so much. Arranger of the concert was 93 year old Pat. What a life energy! The next night we even did a small house concert together with a local musician. Such a blast.

Jane & TerryJust before leaving Santa Barbera, we managed to meet up with the sweetest people Jane and Terry for breakfast and made plans for more workshops and concerts for our next trip to US.

Thank you all for opening your homes and hearts for us!

Please visit us in Danmark anytime!

Love from Janne (and Kathrine)


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