So this post will be in English, because I have something SO exciting to share with the world and not just with my Danish readers. Over the past 4 months, I have gone online 7-10 times a week teaching singing, breath-exercises and online choir, due to the lock-down of the world.
It started with my lovely (and local 100 member Pop Choir called Pop’n Soul). We kept singing together online when everyone was grounded in March. Right after, I invited Denmark’s biggest Pop Choir Odeons Rytmiske kor to join me in three big online events. Together these online rehearsals were seen by more than 15.000 people in Denmark!
The idea dawned on me, that something here was possible to build on.
This turned into a huge adventure, where we came up with maybe the world’s first completely ONLINE choir. I am now 12 weeks into our choir semester, and every week, I have 250 singers joining me in daily breath-exercises and weekly masterclasses, hang-outs and online choir-rehearsals.
The feedback from the Danish singers has been heartfelt and overwhelming and I am proud to say, that we have really made a difference during a troubled time where many people have felt scared, frustrated or knocked down by the quarantine and all the changes happening.
The concept is supersimple. Like learning to fly using a simulator. And enjoying the ride just as much!
Or like seeing a movie of a roller coaster and feeling your stomach drop. The imagination is incredible. We do not need to hear each other or sing physically next to each other to deeply HEAR each other.
Well. That’s the backstory! I am really writing this to share with you WHAT is up with our idea to translate this Danish Choir concept to English and invite the entire world to join. Listen to this short video (texted in English as well) to get an initial idea of the concept.
And PLEASE join us if you feel for it. You will be SO welcome!
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